Key Ingredients for Startup Success
Passion & Persistence + more !!!
from 02 March 15 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
9-5? Even before ever starting my own business, I knew I wasn’t going to make it working for someone else. Did you ever have that feeling? Of course you did. More than anything, I wanted the freedom to determine the parameters of my working life, and not to have it dictated from a “boss.”
Ready or not, Go for it. Whether you’re an entrepreneur already or still thinking about it, nothing should stop you from going after your Dream. It took a lot of work to figure out mine — inspiring 100 million people to make a living doing what they love full time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take action every day, one thing at a time, and your efforts will soon pay off. If you are just beginning your first business venture, no matter where you are in your life, here are the first steps to get you going.
1. Have passion for what you do.
It is always best to follow your bliss. You may not want to make a living out of it, but you are going to invest a great deal of time and resources into should be something that you are passionate about.
Hit by a Thunderstorm. I saw a video that is circulating on the web of Jim Cantore, a meteorologist who was reporting from the middle of a recent snowstorm. He is covered head to toe in outerwear and his glasses are completely iced over as a blizzard rages around him. In the midst of his report, a rare phenomenon occurs called “Thunderstorm”. This middle-aged man is losing his mind when it happens, jumping up & down, screaming his head off. It goes on a few more times and his excitement is contagious. While watching the passion he exudes, it is impossible not to be drawn into his experience. For your dream, if you don’t love it, don’t do it.
2. Know your Mission.
Your mission is how you will serve your Customer. What problem are you solving? If you see a problem, ask those with the problem and see if you or you & them can come up with a solution. Now, how can you develop this solution? Can you make money out of selling it?
3. Have a Plan.
This is where some people get stuck because they don’t feel qualified to write a Business Plan. There are plenty of help on the web – free or low cost templates. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it can be simple. Start out with an Executive Summary. The most important thing is to get it on paper and show it to others for feedback.
4. Be a Salesperson first.
Despite the negative image of Sales people, it’s absolutely necessary to sell your “solution” to Customers. A lot of people get hung up on Branding and making everything perfect before you Launch. Sell your product first, see what interest it generates, and if you have to modify it. You may get a little income, for further development or marketing. Don’t wait for it to be perfect or it will never happen. With online opportunities such as Crowd-funding campaigns, Webinars and more, you can make sales and generate income immediately, propelling your business forward.
4. Be a Brand-builder.
The branding piece of your business is a process that happens over time. Once you start offering your product or service, you will have a better sense of what your business is becoming. The feedback you receive will tell how you differ from others doing similar things. Your ideal customers will become clearer to you. That will have an influence on your branding. You’ll know where to focus. experiences doing what you are passionate about.
Conclusion: You will learn many valuable lessons while creating your business. Be authentic, have integrity, and be willing to make mistakes, then learn from them. The journey is the most challenging and fun part of it !!!
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