Know, Can Do !!!
Put your Know-How into Action.
Knowledge is Power, but only if you Use it.
Review by SoundView Summries 01/15 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
“I keep learning, but I never seem to get any smarter.” That’s a common concern that plagues the business world. You do Research or go to a variety of Training sessions. You sign up for seminars designed to help you learn new skills and maximize your potential in both the business & personal areas. We could: research the Internet, read Books, listen to CDs or watch Videos –– all in a quest to acquire new knowledge. Yet, many of us cannot seem to retain and implement all of this newly acquired knowledge in any significant way.
The Missing Link. Best-selling author Ken Blanchard, Success Motivation Institute founder Paul J. Meyer & motivational speaker Dick Ruhe, have got together to explore the “missing link” between the knowledge we acquire and our daily actions in Know Can Do!: Put your Know-How into Action. In it, they offer – a deceptively simple – yet highly effective remedy for closing what they call the “Knowing-Doing Gap,” so that all your acquired knowledge wont end up as one more vague memory. According to the authors, “We think Know Can Do! can make a real difference by giving people simple tools to close the Knowing-Doing Gap and make their knowledge come alive.”
Tackling the Missing Link
Authors: Blanchard, Meyer and Ruhe present their theory on closing the Knowing-Doing Gap by taking the reader on a journey following their “fictional” author of successful motivational books. The author becomes frustrated, when he realizes that while people seem to enjoy his writing, they don’t seem to actually be “implementing” the principles. Thus, he becomes fascinated with the gap between what people know and what they do, and how to bridge it. In his quest for this missing link, the author meets an entrepreneur who has successfully solved the riddle. Know Can Do!’s narrative structure allows readers to gain a true picture of the process involved in putting knowledge into action since they witness how the fictional author closes his own knowing-doing gap with the help of his new mentor.
Learn Less, Accentuate the Positive & Repeat.
Over the course of the book, the real Authors outline the three obstacles that prevent people from implementing what they learn. These obstacles are:
(1) Information Overload, resulting from trying to learn too much about too many things;
(2) Negative Filtering, where most of us engage in negative thought processes that prevent opening our minds to opportunities; and
(3) Lack of Follow-up, the necessary plan to put our newly-acquired knowledge into action is missing.
Overcoming Obstacles. Through the course of Know Can Do, each of these obstacles are covered via “discussions” between the author and the entrepreneur, as well as the solutions that stem from these talks. In time, the author learns that the knowing-doing gap can be closed by:
(1) learning Smaller Bits of information more frequently, instead of learning larger chunks of information less frequently;
(2) Listening with a (+) Mindset; and
(3) implementing “Green-Light Thinking,” which involves focusing on the positives of a possibility, before considering any negatives (ie, risks, obstacles).
Though these may not be entirely new concepts, the authors have pulled together a successful & succinct motivational title that has already garnered praise and sold many copies. ~
Comments: Do you have any other ideas of how to put the knowledge you learn into action?