Laws of Leadership
by John Maxwell, Author, from “Laws of Teamwork” enhanced by Peter/CXO 10/12
1. Communicate your Goals, Priorities & way to accomp-lish
2. Challenge / encourage Team toward greater achievements than they’ve done previously
3. Prepare Team to accomplish by clearing away any road blocks or obstacles, providing needed resources
4. Don’t limit what can be done, by limiting how they can do it. Define Goals, then let them surprise you with their creativity.
5. Help people to grow by giving them new tasks, responsibilities
6. Trust all member to keep their commitments (unless they prove otherwise)
7. Be Supportive of members to help them – where ever they need it – to accomplish their tasks
8. Review Goals periodically to determine how you’re doing on your progress toward the Goals. Adjust as necessary or change the Goals
9. Look for and train Leaders to be able to take over for you
10. Aspire for a Legacy of the Project that will last longer then any of you
Comment: Can you add a 11th or 12th Law? Othewise, what do you think of these?