Lead, Follow or Get out of Way #1
from “Managing for Dummies”, 2nd Ed 2003 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 9/13
1. What is a Leader? a Manager who has a (+) outlook, is confident, takes responsibility for his actions, has ability to influence others, is planning for the future.
2. Manager vs Leader.
Good Managers take their current organization and optimize it’s performance by focusing on the present to accomplish the Goals. Manager use the current Core Values, Policies, Procedures & Schedule to “push” their employees toward achieving the companies Goals.
Good Leaders have a look beyond the present Products & Operations to see the potential of the future and articulate it in the form of a Vision. Leaders “challenge” employees to achieve Goals by creating a “compelling” Vision and encouraging the Employee to use more of their “potential”. They try to attract/influence “pull” employees into buying into the Goals vs a Manager – who “pushes” for them to accomplish.
3 What the “best” Leaders do.
A. Optimism (almost goes w/out saying anything) A Leader without Optimism about the present & future isn’t a leader and s/he wont have many followers. You need Optimism to meet & beat the tough challenges. Optimism is contagious. It can be caught by the Leader’s Team, everyone on contact with them and can be spread as a good Rumor. By all means, share it at all your meetings and make it even more dramatic at your “all-hands” meetings to motivate the troops. We all want to feel good about being with a Winner. This fulfills that need.
B. Confidence, by showing no doubts you can accomplish the immediate Goals & long-term Vision. This will get you thru tough situations. Your confidence will be picked-up by your followers. You’ll inspire them to their best performance too and everyone will feel better about them selves.
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