Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way, #2
from Managing for Dummies, 2nd Ed 2003 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 5/14
C. Communicate, to keep all informed about the progress of projects & the organization – including both trails & triumphs. Ask their opinion of significant issues – to get them involved – and once you gain their trust – they’ll give you their outstanding ideas, because they know you’ll listen. Do a “walk-about” every so often, to see how they’re doing, if they’re having any problems, or have any questions. You presence shows you care and that’s worth a $1Million.
D. Decisiveness. Don’t perpetually postpone decisions. Get enough info to make a reasonably knowledge-able decision, then go for it !!! If time is of the essence, you may not have the time to get all the info you’d like. In this case, it’s more important to make a speedy decision, so trust your “gut” (intuition). It’s going to be right 70-80% of the time (studies find).
E. Integrity. Honesty, having Values, ethical Behavior (ie, Fair Play) will all make a real & (+) difference in everyone’s life – including Customers & Vendors. This will spread the word about the “goodness” of your organization and back it up with “good” action, it will have better acceptance.
F. Inspire Action by tapping into the pride of the individual toward the organization, by releasing their full creative energy (empowering them) to take the action needed and achieve great things beyond their imagination. Leaders encourage employees to use their creativity.
Most Managers don’t reward employees for being “creative” or going beyond boundaries, because they needed to. Most managers want Robots who will do exactly as told & little else.
G. Support & Facilitate. Create an Environment where it’s safe to speak-up – tell the truth & take the risks. Some Managers “punish” for Reporting Problems, having Dis-agreements with standard policy, or taking Risks – even tho’ there’s a potential of Rewards. Employees would rather have Recognition than Raises. They want to be empowered to find better ways to do things, improve product/ service. Leaders monitor progress on these actions and lend support when needed.
[ Collaborative Leadership, Principles of Collaborative Leadership: Empowerment, Responsibility, Team-work, Listen, Consensus in Premium Content ]