Leadership: It’s all about U #2, Too !!!
The Perception of your Presence is Perceived by the emanations of your Self-Confidence
by Thomson Dawson on 26 Sept 10 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 05/13
Attitude: It’s all about having a (+) attitude that you are capable. People who believe they are destined for greater life experiences, have a point of view that is always future-based, yet they are entirely present. They only take from the past that which will serve them (and others), in the new future they are joyously creating. They demonstrate their personal leadership by the quality of their own thoughts – which in turn – manifests into the quality of their presence. These are the folks who lead, by elevating the life experience of all they come into contact with. These people light the way for others by their own example. These leaders inspire others to believe more in their own capability & promise, than in the evidence of their current limitations. For these types of people, their leadership is disguised as service and never based in their status, power or ability to control others.
Author’s Example. Speaking for myself, I aspire daily to this notion of leadership. When I experience the high quality of another’s presence, I am reminded I could not recognize it in them if it were not already present within me. This inspires me to keep moving, growing & expanding toward living & leading the “life experience” I desire. It’s also a great reminder of the type of people I want to associate with. Do what matters to you and that also serves & inspires others.
How? If you want to lead through the quality of your presence, you have to be engaged in ideas & activities that truly matter to you. To create value, not only must you do what matters to you, but what matters to you must serve the good of others. In serving the good of others, you lead by the quality of your presence.
Assessment. Take a moment to evaluate where you’re at. You can start with your physical presence, do you display health, vitality & well-being? In your business, are your products & services of the highest quality? Do your clients or customers value your mastery – to an extent they gladly pay a premium for them? In your relationships, do you matter to people? Are you adding to the world by contributing your talent & gifts in a manner that reflects the quality of your presence?
Conclusion: You, and you alone, determine the quality of your presence. Leadership is a choice you make about the quality of your life, not a role you play.
Comments: What do you think of this? Is there anything you could add?