Manager or Leader #1
from People-first Productivity Solutions 13 July 13 enhanced by Peter/CXO
Job Title of a Manager is meant to be an indication of the role you play in your organization. Supervisor, Manager, Director, VP, GM & C titles signify differing levels of responsibility & authority. Climbing the ladder usually includes a progression through titles like these. But there’s another role that people in these jobs often adopt. It’s a role that is not bestowed by title. In fact, sometimes this role is assumed – there is no choice in it, no announcement of it and no additional perks associated with it. It is the role of leader.
Leader doesn’t necesssarily mean “the person in charge.” The person in charge of any project or work group is usually the Senior Manager. Even when a role includes a temporary title like “Project Manager,” the work done by that individual is the work of a manager.
What’s the difference? Well, it’s more extensive than you may realize. This is much more than a matter of semantics. It’s a matter of whether or not you will continue to be successful as you climb that proverbial career ladder.
Managers Manage – rigidly control things = Do it my way. That means they handle work that needs to be done in the short-term. They are charged with managing the performance of others in order to produce tangible & measurable results.
Leaders Lead – guide & persuade their Team to consider the consequences, then help their Team to choose the best course of action – subject to the Leader’s approva. That means Leader inspire others to do more and follow their leadershop over the long-term. They are thinking beyond the here & now – looking beyond the results produced today, & building for the future
Contrasts of MANAGERS & LEADER Note that some can have both traits.
M1: Has a short-range perspective
L1: Has a long-range perspective
M2: Plans how & when – his way
L2: Asks what should we do? And why should we do it?
M3: Focus on the Bottom Line
L3: Focus on the Vision, future possibilities
M4: Strictly follows the Co’s Policy
L4: Originates creative Solutions regardless of Policy
M5: Accepts the Status Quo as the “best way
L5: Challenges the “status quo” & is looking for the most “effective way”
M6: Does things correctly (per Policy) – regardless of right or wrong
L6: Does the correct thing, because it’s the right thing to do – to serve the Client & fellow Workers
( 2nd Half of Contrasts continued in Premium Content )