Manager or Leader #2
from People-first Productivity Solutions 13 July 13 enhanced by Peter/CXO 9/13
Contrasts of MANAGERS & LEADER continued
M7: Consistencey – dictated by Co.Policy
L7. Seeks Change – if needed – to make things better for Cust, Co or Employees
M8: Focuses on Goals for Improvement
L8: Focuses on Goals of Innovation
M9: Bases power on Position/Authority
L9: Bases power on Personal Influence
M10: Demonstrates skill in technical Competence
L10: Demonstrates skill in selling the Vision
M11: Demonstrates skill – Administration
L11: Demonstrates skill in dealing with Ambiguity / uncertainty of new situations
M12: Demonstrates skill in Supervision
L12: Demonstrates skill in Persuasion
M13: Goal is employee Compliance
L13: Goal is employee Commitment
M14: Plays today’s Tactics
L14: Plans tomorrows Strategy
M15: Sets standard operating Procedures
M15: Sets Policy, Principles, Core Values
M16: Relies on logic /Analytical decision-making style
L16: Also uses Intuitive decision-making style
M17: Is reluctant to deviate from standard practices, take risks
L17: Willing to take “calculated” Risks on new opportunities that may Reward
M18: Uses a “Transactional” communica-tion style (orders of what to do)
L18: Uses a “Transformational” communication style (to “persuade” what you want them to do)
M19: Builds success through maintenance of high Quality of Product
L19: Builds success through employee Commitment to excellence
M20: Does not want to experience Anarchy (disorder)
L20: Does not want to experience Apathy – because there is no creativity
L21: Plans detailed Steps to achieve Goals, Resources & Budgets
L21: Develops a long-term Vision & the strategies to achieve it
M22: Sets standards of Performance
L22: Sets standards of Excellence
How to Use? Use this list of contrasts as a tool for “self-assessment”. When you add up your activities, which column do you more frequently find yourself? Are you leading or are you managing? Ideally, you will get to a place where you are doing both. Getting to that place does not require a certain job title or level of authority. In fact, in any organization there are leaders at all levels. They are the people who informally “influence others”, the ones who “develop others”, the ones who take “risks & innovate”. You can easily spot a leader.
Growing your Leadership abilities. Unfortunately, leaders sometimes get ruined when they become managers. They sit behind great big desks working on budgets, planning strategies, analyzing the competitive landscape, developing ROI & other metrics, and doing work that causes them to lose touch with the people they would lead. They lose their ability to inspire. So how does can a Senior Manager manage and also lead? First, by delegating to the process owners who are closer to the front line. Second, by choosing to lead. That requires stretching beyond what delivers on this month, this quarter, this budget cycle. It requires delivering on the company Vision & Mission. It requires delivering what people need, so they can be inspired and understand the higher purpose & meaning for their work contributions. It requires giving up the control that comes with handling the day-to-day, in order to achieve for tomorrow & beyond.
Now, go back to the List of Contrasts. Pick just one Manager behavior and work on transforming it into a Leadership behavior. Then tackle another. And another. Soon you will be the Leader you should be and make an outstanding contribution to your Organization
Comments? Any contrasts of Manager & Leader that we have left out?