Marketing Lessons of Google
from 5/12 by Peter/CXO
Under-monetize to buy mind-share. (Google does this in almost every category Google is in)
Offer a Free Version to make sure everyone who may want to, has a chance to experience your product and/or service. (almost every category Google is in)
Keep them coming back to your Web-site by offering something that compells people to come back.
Bundle your stuff into the browser. (the Google Toolbar is huge.)
Do Distribution Deals & PR. Keep making small changes and talking about how important they are, so you stay in the media. Maintain that your success is because superior products even while you are buying market-share.
If a business model competes with your model, try to guide the conversation and get Competitors to attack each other to your own benefit (this, above all other reasons, is why it is not smart for “professional” SEOs to publicly endorse outing each other…nobody wins but Google).
Offer free or low cost versions of Cash Cows of competing services to distract them and/or force change upon them. (Google Docs)
Even when you have a market leading position, invest heavily in Complimentary Markets to reinforce your position as the default. Become ubiquitous. Become a verb. (mobile operating system)
When you tap out the potential of your product or service look for ways to make your Product deeper is select high value verticals. (onebox, universal search, site search)
When you have enough leverage and a large enough lead, change the Market to put yourself at the center of it. (the Omnibox in Google Chrome
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