new Elevator Pitch ideas, #2
from Linked in 13 Sept 13 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 5/14
#3. The Rhyming Pitch is typically used to simplify how we process the information we hear. One of the most famous rhyming pitches was used by Johnie Cochran during the OJ Simpson trial when OJ could not get the famous black glove on his hand. “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit” became his battle cry for the closing arguments. “Woes unites foes” works better than “woes unites enemies” and “caution & measure will bring you treasure” work better than “caution & measure brings you riches” So see if you can work one in to your Elevator Pitch to make it unforgetable.
#4. The Subject Line Pitch can be very effective when you have to use Email to try and move people. Did you know that people and much more likely to open an email when they think they have something to lose or something to gain or the Subject matter directly affects their work? Who would not open an email with the subject line:”Delivery options for dropping off your Suitcase full of cash?” You’d open in a flash !!!
#5. The Twitter Pitch is quick, painless, to the point, cuts through all the PR babble, and forces people to summarize what they want you to hear in 140 characters or less. Be sure to make it 120 characters or less if you want it to be re-tweeted.
#6. The Pixar Pitch involves six sequential sentences that Pixar executives have used to move the film industry to produce such academy award winning movies such as Finding Nemo, WALL-E, The Incredibles, & Toy Story. Try pitching your message in this format:
Once upon a time______________.
Every day, ___________________.
One day _____________________.
Because of that, _______________.
Until finally __________________.
The Elevator Pitch is better than ever. It has evolved to meet the need for us to communicate efficiently & effectively to the people we are trying to engage. Feel free to contact us if you need help developing & integrating these new pitches. [Then Contact form]
Comments: Do you have a unique Elevator Pitch that would be helpful?