Passion for Your Ideal Business #2
from 07/11 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 05/13
“Do what you love and the money will follow.” Here’s the key to using your passion – what you’ve been wanting to do forever – which will lead you to your ideal Clients:
· to those who want what you’re offering
· those who will come back again & again because of what you’re offering
· those who will gladly pay for what you’re offering.
· those who will tell others about your great product or service
If it Lights a Fire under you and motivates you to want do better, when you have found a business that makes you truly happy, you have found your Passion. You can:
· Work your tail off & virtually give up sleeping.
· Dream about the possibilities of how great it’s going to be.
· Hope for the best, but you’ll have to do the rest. Take each step to make it the best.
· Survive, till you Thrive. You’ll have to be Lean. And it might make you mean, but you’ll turn into a money machine.
You won’t Live until you have given all you can give. And once you’ve found it, go after it with gusto! Here are some exercises that will help you find out exactly what your passion is. First & foremost, you must remove any:
· Fear, because Success is near.
· Fear, because once you get thru it, Success is on the other side.
· Unrealistic Expectations, that everyone will flock to your product, so you can concentrate on the real users – to please them.
· Fantasies that once Investors hear about your product they will throw money at you. Most want you to prove you have a “viable” product by significant number of Customers buying it.
Answer these Questions, to find out what you have a Passion about:
Q1. What do you Dream about, that you want to turn into a business?
Q2. What would you be doing if you could be a kid again – spontaneous & playful?
Q3. What Motivates you? Inspires you? Makes you Happy doing?
Q4. I you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do?
Q5. What are you truly Passionate about?
Q6. How can you make $$ out of it?
Communicate your Passion. You must use that passion to speak to your Team, Candidates your Hiring, Clients/ Customers & possible Subscribers. Use your passion to fire-up your writings with words that will make the reader want to take action.
Determining your Customer’s Needs. You need to speak their language. You need to understand what it is they want & need, then use that same passion to give it to them. To do this, you’ll need to work on yourself. To be totally & brutally honest with what you’re doing and how you approach your business. Your ideal client needs you to be passionate about what you do too. That beautiful glow you get when you do what you love, will shine like a beacon in everything you do and attract many followers (ie, Customers, Staff, Mentors, Investors). Fire is what people follow and passion is the one thing that will help you achieve the life, and business, of your dreams.
Blogger, Lori Meyer is a full-time blogger with a passion for helping others succeed in their online business. Her Blog,, is dedicated to everyone wishing to move forward fearlessly with confidence and motivation.
Comment: What do you think about the importance of Passion? How has it helped you?