Passion to Profits
Compiled by Peter/CXO, 1/13
“Do what you love & the $$ will follow”. . . If you haven’t already found out, what you love to do, ask yourself,: “Can you make $$ at it?” If you cant figure out how, ask a few experts for advise.
Passion will keep you going . . thru the Challenges, until the market discovers you.
What are the Key Factors you will need?
1. Awareness. Of what your Values, Beliefs, dis- & Likes are. If you had unlimited $$, what would you do? Don’t limit yourself, but go past what you think you can do. Just do it. If you decide on an opportunity, do the Research to find out if it’s right for you. Share your thoughts with your (+) friends and get their feedback, but you make the final decision.
2. Analysis. Determine your Strengths & Weaknesses of your Talent for this opportunity, based on the priorities of what you want to do. How can you use your Talents for this? Can you make a living out of it? Search the Net, to find out all about it: How others make $$ at it, How you could do it differently, better. Draft a Briefing. Show it to your (+) Friends and Biz Specialists. Determine your long-term Vision of where you want to go.
3. Action. Now begin your plan and check it at key milestones – to see how you’re doing. Modify it, if needed. Are you moving toward your Vision?
4. Attitude. Keep a (+) attitude thru all your challenges. What can you learn from them? Expect more good things to happen to you all the time.
Secrets of Success
1. Network Marketing. Communicate your “value” to potential Customers thru your Web-site, Webinars, Tele-Seminars, Blog, Email, Social & other Media.
2. Direct Marketing. As appropriate, use Networking, Public Speaking, Trade Shows, etc, per your Talents. To expand past your comfort zone, learn how to do these methods, then look for opportunities to do them. Then practice will make perfect. If you don’t want to become an expert, get help in your area of need.
Comments: Do you believe there are other factors to consider for success?