Persuasive Appeals #2
Speaking to Convince 02/13 Compiled by Peter/CXO
9. Avoid Industry Jargon, if you think it may not be understood. When in doubt, ask a friend – outside the industry – to review for understanding.
10. Explain the Benefits of your proposed solution in terms they can understand. “Get the Devil out of the Details” Use both “hard” data (facts) and “soft” data (feelings, opinions, etc) in your appeal. What’s in it for them, for the Organization? How can you appeal to their needs, concerns, problems?
11. Clarify any Mis-Understanding by asking them to repeat back to you what they heard. If they have any mis-understandings, say it in a different way – until they understand.
12. Build your Credibility by: conveying you’re someone who Cares, which will compel others to believe you can be Trusted, being Responsible and admitting your mistakes, errors, your actions of being a good Role Model. These behaviors will cause listener to pay closer attention and more likely get you, the response you want.
13. Brandishing Backlash. Be prepared for objections by:
a) listening to receiver’s mis-understandings,
b) re-stating your appeal in a different way – they can understand better,
c) validating their genuine concerns,
d) asking for Acceptance (if you can resolve their objections),
e) detailing how this recommended action resolves the problem,
f) explaining how this recommendation is the best for the organization.
14. Feedback the Results of the Action to all interested & affected persons, so they will see how effectively, the action resolved the problem. They will feel good about the process and more comfortable to bring up problems themselves.
Comments: Have we covered everything? What do you think?