Planning for Training #2
Compiled by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 6/13
12. Picking an Outside Trainer. Get their experience & credentials. Have they written a book? Check 3 References. If a major Training, ask for a mini-presentation as an Audition (especially if there are multi-candidates). Are they cooperative in “tailoring” their basic training to your needs?
13. Favor shorter, Frequent training vs longer Marathon training. Can subject be broken up into segments? With short/frequent Training, you can review the previous Training and see the results of implementation of the training – which is a motivator to others. If you must have Marathon Training due to Travel or other considerations, Follow-up thru regular Newsletters.
14. Make Training Mandatory. Hold both employee & their supervisor accountable to attend. Only a severe emergency should be allowed. (ie, Medical)
15. Hold Trainees Accountable, for what they learn. At the end of the Training, have Trainees write an Action Plan to implement the Training. Have their Supervisor/ Manager review plan & monitor the action.
16. Summarize the Key points at the end of each Training session. Answer any questions about the Training & Action Plan.
17. Have a short Quiz at the end of Class covering the key points. Go over the answers, but have them keep their original answers, so you can evaluate your effectiveness later.
18. Use a Trainer Evaluation form covering content, presentation/ technique, understand-ability, clarity and Comments.
19. Evaluate the Training session (within a short time after the training is given), to determine if your organization is getting good “value” for the Training (ie, improving Productivity, useful Information, better interface with Customers, etc.
20. Continually get Feedback from Supervisors/ Managers on how effective the Training was. Are there any area they needs more in-dept coverage?
Comments: Is this plan for Training complete? Anything you could add?