Poor Performance Employees #1
Turning them around w/out Turning them off !!! (for Supervisors, Managers & Owners) compiled by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 7/13
How did it Happen? 1) you inherited them, 2) poor hiring or promotion decision/s, 3) they haven’t kept up or 4) they have problems in their life.
1. Don’t Pass the Problem on to Someone else, unless they need the experience (ie, your sub-ordinate, HR). Don’t promote or re-assign the under-performer to a job where they’ll do < less “damage”. It continues the in-competence and burdens their Supervisor. It sends the message, that you lack the courage to take “decisive action”. It’s unfair to employee, because they haven’t been given a change to re-establish their previous performance. 2. Make sure it’s a Performance Problem & not a Process Problem. Can the problem be completely solved by working harder, longer or smarter? Performance Problem. If no amount of effort will solve the problem, it’s a Process Problem.
3. Look for a Trend. If not meeting the expectations (goals), are normal for everyone, examine the process. Take a look at the process, your expectations, other affected processes, training, instructions, competence, etc. Company-wide Poor Performance is a sign of a “sick” system the sucks.
4. Document the Problem with objective evidence of the deficiencies, mistakes, missing deadlines, policy violations + poor relations with co-workers, customer & suppliers.
5. Counseling Goals. 1) demonstrate support for the employee, 2) identify problem & employee acknowledges the problem, 3) determine the cause, 4) negotiate a solution, 5) establish an Action Plan, 6) implement the Action Plan, 7) monitor the Action Plan, & 8) congratulate & celebrate the accomplishment of the desired behavior. (see Explanation of these 8 below)
5a. Demonstrate Support. You value their “contribution” to date and want to help them be more effective to improve their performance to normal. Don’t place blame or give ultimatums. That wont get you your goals. Employee may rebel against this technique.
5b1. Identify Problem, as the differences between expected & their performance.
5b2. Acknowledge of Problem, must be accomplished by them, before you can work on a solution.
5c. Determine Cause of the Problem.
A. 1st ask their opinion, 2) then listen to their opinions, before you express your opinion, 3) Is problem personal, physical, emotional, medical, burn-out, etc?
[ Tackling Task Problems, Planning the Solution, Action Plan, Congratulate, & even Terminate in Premium Content ]