Pro-Crastination vs. Innovation
Are you a Pro Crastinator or an Amateur one? If you Snooze, you Lose !!!
Innnovation Weekly 24 Oct 14 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Friends or Foes? Actually Pro-Crastination has been an enemy to innovation for many years, and getting over it can take some doing on your part. Although you try very hard not to pro-crastinate, yet you find yourself giving in to it and as a result, you lack the motivation & momentum to do the work of innovation. However, there are ways to cure the problem and make the innovativeness in you come to the forefront. In no time, you will start brimming with ideas once again and your life will see a drastic change from one of being stagnated, to a person who is revolutionized both in your thinking & actions.
Why? Different reasons may arise in your life, why you suffer from procrastination symptoms. For you to get over each one, you have to identify them one by one and find ways to overcome them. The odds may seem to be against you, but you can beat the odds and become a more productive you.
1. Boredom. One of the reasons why you reach the stage of pro-crastination is, because you are bored with what you are doing. Lack of interest & motivation is a key component of procrastination. To deal with a lack of interest in certain areas, you need to determine in your mind that: “You will do the most important things – whatever needs to be done – regardless of how you feel. If it is a priority, then give it your all, until the job is finished. If it is not a urgent matter, then you can leave it alone and concentrate on doing the things you enjoy doing most [provided you have done the priorities]. Doing what you love, can bring out good feelings & passion and the innovative person in you.
2. Fear of Failure, can cause you to pro-crastinate and lose your passion for your primary task. Your mind will tell you that you are going to fail, even before you start doing what you are supposed to do. You may feel this way especially if you tried hard in the past at something and still failed. To overcome the fear of failure in your life, you need to convince yourself in your mind first, “So what if I fail, I can always try again, until I get it right.” Once you get over the fear of failure, you can begin working at building your self-confidence. After sometime of developing your self-confidence, you will realize that your innovation skills are bursting forth and you can see yourself as an serious Innovator.
3. Fear of Success. Unbelievably, some persons have the “fear of success” & doubts that the don’t deserve it, in their lives. This might be an indication that there is an internal conflict raging within. They are afraid of the consequences of their own achievements. If you find yourself fearing success, then you should do something about it. Try looking at your successes as a way to reach out and help others. Most persons who live selfishly, are those whom use their success to hurt others. When you start realizing that your achievements can be of great help to others, you will try harder at what you do, thus, your innovative “capability” will increase.
4. Discouragement, is a disease that often inflicts humans and makes us want to give up. You can often feel depressed & defeated because of a spirit of discouragement you feel from others, that don’t believe you can do it. This is when pro-crastination rears it’s ugly head. The most effective way to deal with discouragement is for you to identify the reason for your discouragement. When you know why you are feeling so discouraged, you can gather the strength to overcome it and move on your great Innovation.
5. Building your own Innovation Skills is the key to conquering pro-crastination and you can build your skills in a number of ways. The first step you must take is for you to make a “commitment” that you will stick to your decision no matter what. If you are not committed to what you are doing, then there is a good chance you will lose your passion & motivation . You then must decide which “skill pathway” you want to travel. You might need to learn more about the field of your passion. This will boost your confidence and probably give you more motivation. Next, you need to have a goal in mind that you want to achieve. Look at where you will be, when you reach the end of that goal and decide if it is worth it. If you see yourself as a success at the end of your goal, then go for it. You can never go wrong once your goal is an honorable one. The next best thing you can do in achieving your innovation skills is for you to take action and never quit, till you get it. Persons that are only talkers and not doers often find themselves either at a standstill or going backwards and not forwards.
6. Never give up. never quit !!! A good marathon runner never quits – even thru the pain – but keeps his focus until s/he reaches the finish line. Take on the role of a marathon runner in your mind and stay focused, until you reach where you are going. “The race is not for the swift, but for them that endure to the end.” [ The Turtle won the race over the faster Hare, be he didn’t give up !!! ]
7. Pro-crastination can be Beaten, if you continuously cultivate the attitude of a passionate Innovator. You will see yourself becoming the true expert (in your field). You have had this dream of success for a long time. Your life will take on new meaning and you will stand a better chance of accomplishing anything you set out to accomplish, if you just don’t let the pro-crastination demon rear it’s head. Stay a head, ahead of him. LoL
Comments: Do you have anything you can add about Pro-crastination?