Reasons to Start your own Business
from magazine 04/15 Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Why? Another long day at work? Building someone else’s dream with all of the stress and none of the rewards coming your way? Calling “time out”,on working for someone else, is something that almost all workers are tempted by – at some point in their career. Yet a combination of fear & a lack of motivation, prevents most from actually taking the plunge. It’s easy to worry that running your own business could easily go wrong, and that it might simply end up being more stress & worry, than it could ever be worth. However, there are countless benefits to running your business, which will far outweigh the possible down sides. Here are the reasons why you should be joining the thousands of people now starting their own business every month: – – – MORE:
1. Control of your Time. You get to decide how much to work each week.
2. Time; no Commuting. and driving during rush hour. You’re just a few steps away.
3. Self-respect. No more being a slave to some tyrant in the corner office.
4. Self-awareness. You’ll quickly learn your strengths & weaknesses; your limits.
5. Individuality. You can do exactly what you decide is best.
6. Originality. You’ll be creating something that unique to your personality & passions.
7. Positive impact. You’ll be helping make the world a better place.
8. Opportunities to Travel. As your business grows, you’ll have more choices.
9. Self-development. You’ll focus on improving yourself – to be all you can be.
10. Expertise. You’ll acquire knowledge about your industry & customers.
11. Reward for your Risk. You might succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
12. Control of your Environment. Your workplace, workers & tools you use.
13. Financial Independence. When you succeed, it will be yours, to do what you want.
14. Of your own Money. You set the salary & perks you give yourself.
15. Opportunities to Give. You’ll be able to fund causes you truly believe in.
16. Interesting Work. You can delegate the stuff you don’t like doing.
17. Opportunities to Teach. You’ll get to mentor many of your employees & others.
18. Perspective. You’ll see the Bizworld from every angle & decide what’s best for you.
19. Disposable Cash. The tax benefits can be absolutely amazing. So many write-offs.
20. Inspiration. You’ll no longer be living a life of desperation, but your dream.
21. Opportunities to learn, about whatever you like. The possibilities are truly endless.
22. Recognition. Nobody will ever steal credit for your accomplishments.
23. Challenges. No matter what, you’ll never be bored. [If you can handle it. LoL]
24. Pride. You’ll know that you’re truly accomplishing something significant.
25. Influence. You’ll become a role model for friends, family, network, etc.
26. Fun on Vacation, because you’ve setup a system that works without you present.
27. Legacy. You’ll know that you made a significant contribution to the world.
28. Resilience. You’ll learn to learn from your mistakes and re-start smarter.
29. of your Life’s Purpose. You’ll have a passion to do something great.
30. Interesting Colleagues. You’ll work with or network with other entrepreneurs.
31. Inspiring Colleagues. You’ll be “energized ” by sharing ideas
32. Passion in your life. You’ll be doing what brings you joy and feeling great.
33. of your Dreams fulfilled. You’ll create the life you want to live – in your life & relationships.
Comments: Can you think of any other reasons to Start your own Business?