Resolving Customer Complaints
compiled by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 10/13
Why? Because it’s one of the most difficult things to do – especially if the Customer get angry. Customer Service needs a thorough Training to master the skills needed.
1. Listen carefully & assure the Customer you’ll take action. Ask any Questions, to understand or clarify the problem. If they are very angry, allow them to “vent”, before you respond. If you can solve the problem immediately, do so. If not, give them an idea when it can be resolved. Get back with them in a few days with the status of the investigation.
2. Remain Calm. Don’t let an angry Customer push your buttons. You can’t reason with them. Step 1) count to 10 to calm down, 2) take a deep breath, 3) since they’ve lost control of their emotions, don’t you be drug into it, 4) when they’ve calmed down is the time to talk to them. Now that they’re rational, you can try to solve their problem and they will usually accept your solution.
3. Acknowledge that you’re Listening – once that they’ve calmed down. Para-phrase their concern/s back to them, to verify you understand the situation. If you can solve the problem immediately, do so.
4. Validate the Customer – by saying “I understand why you feel that way”. This affirms their feelings. You’re “fixing” the Customer as you’re “fixing” the Product.
5. Apologize. Two-thirds of Customers have a “legitimate” complaint. Apologize for any inconvenience. Say: “Please give us a chance to make it right”.
6. When Customers are Wrong.
a) Double check the facts – with the Customer – to verify.
b) Ask them to “Please explain the situation again. I don’t think I understand it”.
c) If you see the error, say “I’m glad you brought that to our attention. The correct information is ________ I’m sure we’ll avoid this mis-understanding in the future”.
7. Deliver a Resolution ASAP – to make it right quickly (to show you’re responsive), happily (that you’re glad to fix it) & generously (give them something as an motivation) for them to consider you as a “good” organization.
8. If the Customer is un-Reasonable – and so far – what you have offered doesn’t satisfy them, ask “What would make you happy”, then comply to their request (if reasonable) or let them know, you need to get management approval. Tell them you’ll get back to them in one day.
9. Thank the Customer for alerting you – to the problem and being able to correct it – to their satisfaction. Even if they were angry and gave you a hard time, thank them for the opportunity to make it right.
Comments: Is there anything you can add to resolve Customer Complaints?