“Setting Priorities is as EZ as ABC !!! by Brian Tracy
A = most Important, major Conse-quences, B = minor Consequences C=no Consequences, D = Delegate, E=Eliminate, Benefits, Using ABC, Starting Now !!!
Significance: The more you plan setting Priorities before you begin a Task, the faster you will get the important things done. The more important the Task is to you, the more motivated you are to overcome procrastination and launch yourself into that Task.
“Today, I want to share a method of time-management for setting Priorities that I’ve been using for years, called the ABCDE method” Brian Tracy.
The ABCDE Method
The ABCDE Method is a powerful priority-setting technique that you can use every day. This technique is so simple & effective that it can make you one of the most efficient & effective people in your field. The ABCDE list is a To-Do list on steroids when it comes to learning how to prioritize. The power of this technique lies in its simplicity because it’s so action-oriented.
Here’s how it works: You start with your To-Do list of everything you have to do for the coming day/week/month. Put it down on paper so you can analyze it. Once you have your To-Do list of all of the Tasks you must complete in the next few days, week, month, start the ABCDE method.
“A” Items: Most Important, major Consequences
An “A” item is defined as something that is very most important. This is something that you absolutely must do. This is a Task for which there can be serious consequences – if you fail to do it. Consequences such as not completing a Task for a key Customer or not finishing a Task that someone needs to publish or use at a meeting. If you have more than one “A” Task, you prioritize these Tasks by writing A-1, A-2, A-3, etc, in front of each item.
“B” Items only have Minor Consequences
A B item is defined as a Task that you should do, but it only has mild consequences if you don’t. This means that someone may be unhappy or inconvenienced if you don’t do it, but it is nowhere as important as an “A” Task. Returning an un-important telephone message or checking your Email too often would be “B” Tasks. The rule is that you should never do a “B” Task – when there is an “A” Task left undone.
“C” Tasks have no significant Consequences
A “C” Task is something that would be nice to do, but for which there are no sig consequences at all, whether you do it or not. “C” Tasks include phoning a friend, having coffee or lunch with a associate or completing some personal business during work hours. This sort of activity has no effect at all on your work life. As a rule, you shud never start a “C” Task – when there are “B or A” Tasks left undone.
“D” for Delegate
A “D” activity is something that you can delegate to someone else. The rule is that you should delegate everything that you possibly can to other people. This frees you up more time for you to engage in your “A” activities (ie, only things you can do). Your “A” Tasks and their completion, largely determine the course of your career & success.
“E” for Eliminate
An “E” activity is something that you should eliminate altogether. After all, you can only get your time under control – if you stop doing things that are no longer necessary for you to do.
“N” is “Just say No”
Is the person being lazy and trying to delegate to you? How about asking them to to a plan or draft and you review it? a Compromise/Trade-off. Remember your Priorities are usually the most important. Explain, you’d like to help them, but your priorities are most important now. When you finish the most important on your list, then you’ll have time for other’s work. Maybe a counter-offer would work for both of you. You do their request – if they do one or more of you lower-priority Tasks. Remember, saying NO out of strength, instead of YES out of weakness is most important !!!
“Benefits” of the ABCDE Method
Your ability to think through and analyze your To-Do list to determine your “A-1” Task is the launch pad to higher levels of accomplishment. It also leads to greater self-esteem, self-respect & personal pride. When you develop the habit of concentrating on your “A-1,” you will start getting more done than other people around you.
Make a rule for yourself to never do anything that isn’t on your To-Do list – if it takes any amount of time. If a new Task or Project comes up, write it down on your list and set the priorities for it before you start work on it. If you react and respond to the non-stop demands on your time, you will quickly lose control of your work & life. You end up spending most of your time on activities of little or no value.
Start using the ABCDE Method right now !!!
Review you To-D0 list right now and put an A, B, C, D, or E next to each Task or activity. Select your A-1 Task or Project and begin on it immediately. Discipline yourself to do nothing else until this Task is complete. It will become one of the best Time-Management tools you can use. Try using this ABCDE Method every day and on every To-Do or Project list, before you begin work, for the next month. By that time, you will have developed the habit of setting & working on your highest priority Tasks. Your future will be a success and others will ask how you do it.
Making ABCDE work for you
The key way to achieve success is to start immediately on your “A-1” Task. Stay at it until it is complete = persistence. Use your willpower to get going on this Task, the single most important Task you could possibly be doing.
Who is author Brian Tracy?
He’s a 77 yo Canadian-American motivational public speaker & self-development author. He is the author of over 80 books that have been translated into dozens of languages. Some of his most popular books are “Setting Goals, Earn What You’re Really Worth, Laws of Biz Success, Self-Made $1M, Max Achievement, No Excuses” For more info go to BrianTracy.com
Comments: Do you know anything else to consider on Setting Priorities/
from Brian Tracy 4/21 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4.biz
For more Info, click on Priorities