SMART Goals – 2014 & beyond
from Managing for Dummies 01/14 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
S = Specific – clear & un-ambiguous – to define exactly what is wanted, expected, when accomplished & how much.
M = Measureable – so you can determine your progress toward the accomplishment. Milestones help everyone to feel better in their progress toward the goal.
A= Attainable – real & realistic. But don’t hesitate to set Goals that will “stretch” you to new heights.
R= Relevant – 80% of the Results are from 20% of your effort, so focus on the Goals that produce the most significant results. Everyone will feel these are the most important and be more motivated to accomplish.
T = Timely – to meet deadlines – will help everyoine to focus their efforts toward the completion. They’ll “rise to the challenge” and “feel good” after they’ve accomplished.
Collaboration – set SMART Goals together with those who have to carry them out and they’ll feel more committed to accomplish the results
Measure & Review – the results on a regular basis to determine the progress. Modify the method, provide more Resources or Adjust the goal, as needed.
K.I.S.S. – “Keep it simple & stupid”, so the goals are easier to understand & accomplish. If there’s one big, hair Goal, shave it down & break it into small goals. Celebrate these small victories and it will be motivating to the big, hairy Goal.
____________________SWOT Analysis _________________
S = Strengths – that gives your product/ services “advantages” over your competition.
W = Weakness – that has your product/ services at a “dis-advantage” to your competition.
O = Opportunity – (ie, Market) that you can exploit with your Strengths.
T = Threats – competition developing a similar, or lower cost product, not being able to expand fast enough to capture a large share of the Market
Comments: Is there anything you’d like to share about Goals?