Starting an E-Biz, #2
from DK Essentials 8/14 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
How did E-Biz develop? Providers & Customers realize benefits of “instant” Online Trans-actions [thru less differentiation in features, quality & price + ability to communicate & share info quickly.Harnessing new Technology. New Telecom, IT Networks & Apps, offer Customers the ability to inter-act globally. Keep up with developments in tech, to respond to changes in the “tech-driven” world.
Routes of E-Biz
Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . How . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effect
1.Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Browsing . . . . . . . . . . Decision
2.Cust Access . . . . . . . Basic Website . . . . . . Web presense
3.Sales Channels . . . . Take Orders . . . . . . . . Increase Potential
4.Efficiency up . . . . . . eCommerce . . . . . . . . Real time
Costs down . . . . . . . . . Integrated . . . . . . . . . transactns
5.Value of eBiz . . . . . . . Consistent . . . . . . . . . Responsive
. . . . . . .Channel . . . . . . approach . . . . . . . . . . Cust Srv
6.Responsive . . . . . . . . use eBiz . .. . . . . . . . . Cust Base
to Future . . . . . . . . . . . . Model . . . . . . . . . . . . Global
E-Biz Strategy Defining your Vision by considering new & future potential – using online sales to reduce transaction time & cost.Focus on Customer. Define groups, identify needs, then determine how to meet those needs.
Customer wants: Prompt & useful products & services.
Business wants: to attract new cust Customer wants to develop confidence in business. Business wants: to maintain Cust loyalty. Customer wants: specific needs met & satisfied. Business wants: greater market share.
How do you build your E-Biz? 1) learn all you can about it, 2) Identify your Core Competencies, 3) decide which technology to adapt & 4) determine your Biz Model.
Culture Change needed to: 1) encourage more flexibility, risk-taking, being more intuitive; 2) adapt to new technology of E-Biz by offering training & incentives.
New Focus on Customer. Customer choices have evolved from Bricks & Mortar to Mail Order to Tele-Marketing to the Internet. At each stage, their choices have multiplied. The Internet makes it exceedingly easy to compare products & services. Sometimes, prices & quality are indistinguish-able. The quality of their inter-action with you, is the biggest difference, that will help them to choose you. Putting extra effort in providing a good experience pays off. Be pre-active. Provide graphic & narrative info, to make it easy for them to make the best decision. Be post-active by delivering support, service & soliciting feedback on how you’re doing.
[ Customer Needs. Building your E-Commerce Biz in Premium Content]