Starting an E-Biz
from DK Essentials 8/14 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
What is an E-Business? E-Commerce is just buying & selling products & services over the Internet. E-Biz goes beyond and includes the application of information & communication technologies in support of all the activities of business. E-Biz exploits the full potential of Information Technology [IT] & telecom, to streamline it’s operation and deliver the best possible “value” to Customers. E-Biz emphasizes the need to provide the same efficiency & value to Customers across all Sales Channels, not just Website transactions.
Structure. Integrated Networks (with shared data) >> multi Sales & Service Channels >> deliver Customer Value (ie, satisfaction).
New Strategy, is based on the Internet, because the world is increasingly connected via digital computers & telecom networks – which offer fast, flexible & cost saving ways of doing business. Look for new opportunities ahead of your competition and devise new strategies to take advantage of new developments.
Challenging old Business Models, that used multi channels [Direct Sales (ie, catalog, phone, etc), Retail, Sales Teams & Distributors]. E-Biz interacts with the Customers directly thru the Web, Mobile Phones & Digital TVs.
Understanding E-Biz. Evaluating Competition. Startups have advantages of the “flexibility” to easily develop & market, new products & services much easier. Use your strengths & reduce or eliminate your weaknesses – to gain advantages over any competition.
Retain Customers by identifying & satisfying as many Customer needs as possible, because sometimes they have a wide choice of options, and you want to be the best choice. Furnish them with sufficient info to make a knowledge-able decision. Then once you’ve got them, be responsive to their needs, treat them like VIPs and they’ll keep coming back to you.
Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Threats
Closer Relationship with Customer . . . . . . . Competition may be better and/or faster
Reduce Costs to provide better Product . . . Shrinking Markets, Changing Technology
Direct Cust Feedback & Communication . . . Internal Inertia prevents Rapid Response
ID new mkt Niche fm changing needs . . . . Wrong Decisions in adapting New Tech
Be more Sensitive to Customer’s needs . . . Fears causing Indecision, no response
React faster then competition . . . . . . . . . . . being left behind of Competition
[ How did E-Biz develop? Routes of E-Biz, E-Biz Strategy, Benefits, Focus on Customer, in Premium Content ]