Startup Quotes #2
. . . from highly successful Founders.
Collected by Peter/ CXO, Wiz4biz 11/10 + 5 Star Startup Services
“Whatever future you’re building, don’t try to program everything, just follow your intuition and you’ll be pleasantly surprised – Thomas Edison
“When you’re building your company, don’t try to do everything yourself, get help in areas you’re weak – Pierre Omidyar/Founder, Ebay
“Timing, perseverance, & a couple years of trying, will eventually make you look like an “overnight success”. – Biz Stone/Founder, Twitter
“Make something someone needs, launch it fast. Let users show you what to change; change it, repeat until you get discovered and get traction”. Paul Graham, Y Combinator
“Always deliver more than expected”. – Larry Page/Co-Founder, Google
“When Bootstrapping, you need to find a Team that’s passionate and willing to work for nothing now and wait for the rewards later”. An overnight Success.
“Successful bootstrapping is all about discipline & stamina”. – Michael Dell
“Keep as lean an operation as possible and you’ll get to profit faster”.
“The difference between Vision & hallucination is that you can get other people can see the Vision and some to catch the passion”. – Mark Andreeson, Founder, Netscape
“The key to success in business, is never to be like others. Create something unique to offer” – Masaru/Founder, SONY
“Pick out associates whose talents are better than yours and they will help you lift your business like a balloon to new heights”.– Warren Buffett, #1 Investor, #2 Richest man in USA.
“Pay more attention to your Customers than your Competitors” – Jack Ma/Founder, Alibaba
“Make your product easier to buy & use than your competition, and your customers will tell others”. Mark Cuban, Entrepreneur & Shark Tank.
“Human nature has a tendency to admire complexity but reward simplicity. Make the complexity of your product transparent and make it easier to use”. – Steve Jobs, APPLE
(Continued in Premium Content)