Startup Quotes from Founders
This Advice may be “free”, but it’s all
in the execution, you’ll see.
Collected by Peter/ CXO, Wiz4biz 11/10 Startup Services
“If you want to succeed, you’d better heed,
the following advice. It’s worth the price !!!
“If I had asked my 1st customers what they really wanted, they would have said “a faster horse”. – Henry Ford
“The best way to get started with your idea is to quit talking about doing it and develop your idea”. – Walt Disney
“We don’t make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies that make people feel good and want to see”. – Walt Disney
“If you don’t put a big chunk of your own money into your business – till it hurts – Investors wont be that interested in putting in theirs”. VC Founder
“Sweat equity is the best startup capital” – Mark Cuban/Founder, $B, NBA Owner
“You need to structure your business and build a great product, before you ask for money – Sandy Kurzig,
“Stay self-funded as long as possible, so you can control your own destiny. – Jeff Bazos, Amazon
“Stay lean and bootstrap. You’ll be forced to be more creative. Steve Jobs
“When you innovate, you’ve got to be prepared for people telling you that you are nuts. Ignore them & follow your heart. – Larry Ellison, CEO/Oracle
“Don’t let people tell you your ideas are stupid – if you’re passionate about something, find a way to build it. – Edison
“If you believe in your idea, no matter how much time you spend at it, it wont feel like it’s work, cause it’s your passion. – Bill Gates, m Soft
“Grow a thick skin and be prepared to take criticism – Nicoli Tesla, Inventor
“You need to be surrounded by good advisors but you also have to trust your own instinct. – Chris Hughes/ Co-Founder, Facebook
(Continued in Premium Content)