Succeeding in Business #1
Elements for Succeeding in Business
by Author: Robert Scheinfeld, Enhanced by Peter/CXO 5/12
Element 1: DESIRE.
The experts tell us it takes a burning desire to achieve success. Not necessarily. A lot of people with burning desire go down in flames and others without it succeed to their own amazement. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, has made publishing history without any burning desire to be a billionaire. She only wanted to earn enough money to support herself and her baby. Wendy’s Dave Thomas only planned to run three or four restaurants in Columbus, Ohio, not a nationwide franchise. Sam Walton wasn’t planning one of America’s largest corporations when he opened his little discount store. Desire must be aligned with your life purpose & mission to have an impact.
Element 2: GOAL SETTING.
Set goals, review them daily, and success will follow – wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy? Your goals are congruent with your life mission and you ask for help from your Inner CEO, the internal guidance system that helps you attain your goals based on their relevance to your mission & purpose.
Element 3: MODELING.
Historically, the most successful people have broken the mold/pattern, typical model, not followed it. Michael Dell of Dell Computers said, “We learned the importance of ignoring conventional wisdom and doing things our way.” Billionaire J. Paul Getty wrote, “Try being a non-conformist for a change. Be an individualist. You’ll be amazed at how much faster you’ll ‘get ahead.'” Copycats often come in second. Instead, pick & choose distinct aspects of successful people’s actions and adapt them to work for you in new & creative ways.
(Continued in Premium Content)