Swim with the Sharks #2
. . . without being eaten alive !!! [Not San Jose Sharks]
How to “Out-sell, Out-manage, Out-motivate & Out-negotiate your Competition”
written by Harvey MacKay/CEO of a Multi-$M Manufacturing company 1988 Enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4.biz 3/13
4. Negotiation & Management are two major aspects of being successful.
Negotiation is the mutual discussion, involving compromising & trade-offs of the terms of the transaction or agreement. Key points that are worth remembering are: 1) keep smiling & friendly, 2) say NO until your tongue bleeds. In the long run, you hve the guts to walk away from a deal without a deal. You are always able to go back to the table and get even better terms. Everything is negotiable, because in a capitalist society everything is for sale.
Management, on the other hand, is being in control of running an organization. Good Managers have the best leadership skills. The little things mean not just a lot, but everything to them. The little things can be used to score big. As a manager, you must encourage thinking outside the box = creativity.
5. Your Goals. In order to achieve success, do not plan on sticking around just to collect your pension. You need to challenge yourself and keep learning. You need to find something you like doing and make it pay. If you like something, you can make it pay no matter what field you are in.
6. Communication. No matter where you are, you need to learn how to communicate effectively. You need to communicate your ideas clearly to partners, staff, customer, investors, etc for them to support your goals.
7. Risk. There is no future in saying that it cannot be done. You need to take chances. There is less to lose attempting change than to hang on to old ways.
8. The Big 3. In order to succeed, you must have a combination of Determination, Goal-setting, & Concentration. You need to keep doing what it is you love to do. Never quit. Your efforts will eventually be well worth your results !!!
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