Target Operating Model (TOM) #2
from David Shaffer, Linked IN 14 June 13 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 8/13
GAP Analysis
o Current Model versus Target
o Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats (SWOT)
o Sales Strategies & Practices
Key Action Items
o Growth Initiatives – long term evaluations & considerations
o the Critical Few Initiatives – short term action items
o “Charters” – Initiative definitions including time frames, actions, costs & responsibilities. Develop a Management System to “monitor & control” Initiatives
Summary. During a meeting with a client, the CEO remarked that life was much simpler when the firm was small and control was always through his office. He knew everyone, was involved in every decision and customers could count on him. With rapid growth in sales, much of this began to fade and there was a feeling that the infra-structure was growing faster than revenue. Certainly it was great to know that the top line was growing, but the expense was too great in quality, direct costs & ultimately, customer service.
By establishing a TOM and turning his attention to aligning and establishing the most effective infra-structure, his firm returned to the attributes that made him successful. On the surface, it may seem tedious & frustrating to step back & follow the process, particularly when there is a feeling of stress associated with the symptoms outlined in this client’s story. However, taking the time, laying out the strategy & closing the gaps will pay extreme dividends in the long run.
Comments: What do you think of this Approach? Is there anything you could add?