The 3 Cs of Social Marketing !!!
from Blog of 28 Nov 13 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 3/14
C the Recipe in 3 Steps. Are you looking for the Social Marketing recipe for success? Well here it is, the 3 Cs. The recipe for can be broken down into fairly equal parts – 1 part Connecting, 1 part Content, & 1 part Context. If you follow this recipe, your Social Marketing endeavours will pay huge dividends.
Connections :Take a comprehensive approach to connecting with colleagues, influencers, & potential buyers. Everyone involved in Social Marketing should always be continually connecting with others, in order to leverage the power of their contacts, coworkers, & colleagues. [the other 3 Cs, Wiz4biz] Since most of today’s Buyers are digitally & socially connected, it’s never been more important to have your contacts in place, that can introduce you and give you credibility to your potential buyers. By connecting daily with people, you increase the likelihood of being able to get an introduction or to get exposure to buyers you never knew existed.
Content is equally as important and is the backbone of showing your potential buyers that you are insightful & knowledgeable about the space & the topics that they are interested in. Sharing good content – that your buyers want to read – can make a direct impact on them by pointing to you as a trusted expert – as a source that can help them. By sharing content daily, you are also leaving a trail of clues that will lead potential buyers to you – who find your content – which drives them to you. Since buyers are finding enough info online to have the buying process at 70% before engaging a rep, you need to be the one to shape their decisions through sharing content that supports your products & initiatives.
Context is what can give you the ammunition you need, to have powerful conversations with buyers. LinkedIn provides serious context to someone professionally, but personal networks like Twitter give you context into the buyers personal life. This enables you to have a 360 degree view of each buyer and truly understand what makes them tick personally and professionally. This is what sets you up from the “spray & pray” traditional Marketer use by offering you their lunch. Utilize information you uncover online and work it into your traditional communications, in order to personalize them and increase your success rates.
Now Charge into these 3 Cs & you’ll see the Cash flow. See, you already got 2 more Bonus Cs. Contact with your Network today and tell them all about the great Product or Service you offer and ask them “Who could use this? A little Incentive may motivate them even more.
Comments: Do you C & agree? Any ideas you could add?