The 4 Hour Work Week
Authored by Tim Ferriss 12/09 Enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Assessing the Problem: In the last six to eight months, we have been assessing how we run our businesses. In the last few years, we have gotten everything that we wanted out of our business. Unfortunately, that was the problem. We asked for success, and we got it in abundance.
I am quite sure that many married couples feel the same way. We had growing businesses, but we were tied to Blackberry’s, meetings at all hours of the day, and every clients whim & fancy had to be catered to. 14-18 hour days were not uncommon. A four hour work week was totally un-thinkable.
We decided a while ago that we were going to Restructure our Businesses so that we can life the life that we really want. We want to be able to have lunch together a few times a week. We want to be able to take Vacation and not have to worry about losing business. Does any of this sound familiar to any other married couples out there?
The 4 Hour Work Wk can be summed up in three simple principles:
1. Low Information Diet We are taking in more information that we have to. Stop !!! Decide what makes you and your spouse the most money, using the 80/20 RULE*, and then cut the extra information out of your life. (80/20 Rule re-visited. We get 80% of our Biz from 20% of our Cust, so it’s most important to focus on these)
2. Do only what is Most important (ie, what only you can do) and Out-source everything else.
From market research for your business to paying your bills at home, There is very little you have to do yourself- do that and nothing else.
3. Work less & get more. Don’t waste your time on things someone else could be doing for you.
The Four Hour Work Week is a remarkably transparent guide to achieving that lifestyle you’ve always wanted, but didn’t dare admit, It is rationally presented as a series of steps predicated on a . . .
Basic Rule: “Reality is negotiable” outside of science and law, all rules can be bent or broken. What makes The Four Hour Work Week more than the typical self-help book is that Ferriss also names the names of the outsourcers, services & brokers he’s used successfully in the past, to build the foundation of his automatic income-producing engine. It’s all part of his meta-approach to planning and creating the ideal lifestyle.
Comments: Does this seem possible? Try some of the principles & let us know how it works for you.