The 6 Laws of Influence #2/2
(& Persuasion) from Robert Cialdini’s book ‘Influence – The Psychology of Persuasion’ 2006 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 7/13
#4 Liking. People want to say yes to people they like. Hence, the success of direct-selling to friends & relatives. The so-called ‘Endless Chain’ method uses this principle – if salesman finds someone who likes a product they get referrals to friends they can contact. Those friends are more amenable, if a friend has referred the sales person. Physical attractiveness is very important. Physically attractive people are seen as possessing better personality traits. They are seen as less naughty as children and more intelligent. Similarity in dress code & social background is also more influential. The building of “rapport” & trust with a client or client is important for this very reason.
#5 Authority. Status confers greater attributes on you. People are more easily influenced by those they perceive to be “legitimate” authorities. This response makes great sense because legitimate authorities have typically attained their positions by virtue of greater knowledge or skill or experience in the matter at hand. Doctors & lawyers are often regarded as more important. The way you act and what you say, dictate how people see you. Strong “self-confidence” can help you project “authority”.
# 6 Scarcity. The more scarce something is, the more valuable it is perceived. A number of unethical practices exist that are not recommended, if you want a long-term client. They include:
– Limited Number technique – Where the sales person claims a product is the last one in the shop or the storeroom to close the sale or that there are only a limited number on offer.
– Deadline Tactic – where a product is only available for a limited period. This is a high-pressure sales tactic, that suggests the client must buy now or it will soon be more expensive or unavailable
Bonus #7 The Contrast Principle. In addition to the basic six laws, the Contrast principle states that: By comparing or contrasting two things you create an artificial scale of measurement with the two things at the extreme ends of the scale. Comparing an expensive item with a not so expensive item will make the less expensive appear cheap in comparison. Selling an additional jumper or shirt after an expensive suit makes it seem cheap in comparison, or showing bad property before better property to improve the impact of the later one’s by contrast.
Comments: Is there anything you can add to these Laws of Influence?