The 80/20 Principle for You !!!
The Secret of Achieving More with Less as an Individual
by Author Richard Koch
Reviewed by (& Mind Open) 11 Oct 06
enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 6/14
The Pareto Principle (also known as the 80-20 rule ) states that for many phenomena, 80% of the consequences stem from 20% of the causes. The Author takes a fresh look at the 80/20 principle and finds that the basic imbalance observed by Pareto way back in 1906 can be found in almost every aspect of modern life – even today. He creatively & ingeniously extrapolates the Pareto Principle and discovers that it applies throughout our lives in every thread of it. It occurs in managing time, work, people, emotions, friendships, love, & marriage.
Relationships – 20 % of the people we deal with give us 80 % of our happiness. What can you do to spend more quality time with these 20 % happiness givers? Count on these people. They are your key friends, the 20 % who contribute 80 % of happiness and add value to the quality of your life.
The book is in Four (4) Parts.
Part One (Overture) introduces the principle, is a bit analytical – but interesting – and tells us how to “think” the 80/20 way.
Part Two (Corporate Success needn’t be a mystery) discusses the application of the principle to the management of your business management.
Part Three (Work Less, Earn & Enjoy More) explores application of the 80/20 theory in a number of ways. Chapter 10 (Time Revolution) is superb, and I can vouch for the fact that concepts like being unconventional & eccentric in the use of your time and high-value & low-value uses of time are really effective as I have incorporated them into my life with great success. Of the things you do during your day, only 20 % really matter. Those 20 % high-value uses of time produce 80 % of your results & happiness. Identify and focus on those things and make sure you make high value use of time.
Chapter 13 (Intelligent & Lazy) delves on the application of Von Manstein Matrix. General von Manstein identified four types of officers in the Officer Corps of the German Army.
1) the lazy, stupid ones. He suggests that they be left alone as they do no harm.
2) the hard-working, intelligent ones. These are excellent staff officers who ensure every detail is accurate.
3) the hard-working, stupid ones. These, according to him, are a menace and must be “fired at once” because they only create “irrelevant work” for everybody.
4) the lazy, intelligent ones. [ The 80/20 types? ] .They are suited for the highest position & accomplish the most.
Part Four (Crescendo) explains the success & failure of various approaches in social, government & economic issues with the 80/20 principle as an ever present thread.
Recommendation. The book is readable, educational & interesting. The secret of a happy & fulfilled life is not difficult – the book shows how to apply the 80/20 principle to focus on your best 20 % in each aspect of your life and thereby enhance your quality of life and elevate your plane of living. It’s a captivating book. You will certainly benefit
from it. Apply the 80/20 Principle in various aspects & facets of your life wherever feasible, and use it wisely. And see for yourself how the quality of your life improves and you feel happy, tranquil & fulfilled.
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