The Answer: to grow any Business
“Grow your Business to achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extra-ordinary Life”
a Book Review fm Blog 2009 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
The Answer to The Secret. John Assaraf was one of the key contributors to the hit DVD, “The Secret”. He has built four (4) multi-million dollar companies and is currently at work on his dream of building the largest franchising company of the world. His co-author is Murray Smith, co-founder of OneCoach. She is a consultant and business turnaround expert who has launched or revived 14 highly successful businesses.
What is it all about? “The Answer” brings together neuro-science, coaching, positive psychology, self-motivation, & goal-setting with a dose of the spiritual. The Answer’s psychological and strategic concepts:
· Discover what it is you are uniquely gifted to be && to do. Then build your business & your life in ways that take maximum advantage of those aspects of yourself. When your life flows, you’ll feel happier & satisfied.
Everything is Energy. We know from the field of quantum physics that everything is energy. Even things that look like solid matter — like a chair — are, at the tiniest level, packets of energy. Your thoughts are energy that create your physical world – by broadcasting to the universe — kind of like a radio — what it is you are thinking about & desiring. Some mysterious force makes sense of what you are broadcasting and brings it into your awareness or reality. This is what some call the “Law of Attraction.”
The Law of Attraction. While it can’t be scientifically proven, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support it. Everything you desire is out there waiting for your thoughts to send at the proper level to bring these good things into your life.
How? You must harness the power of both your conscious & sub-conscious minds. Your conscious brain has five levels of functioning. They are will, memory, perception, reasoning, intuition, & imagination. The most powerful of these is “imagination” – which is where dreams & ideas are born. However, to tap the power of the universe, you have to train your sub-conscious mind to send & receive these signals. To do that, you use the following six-step process.
1. Create a Vision of what you want to achieve complete with sensory and emotional details.
2. Write down & say Affirmations to send the message to your sub-conscious that fit the vision in your mind.
3. Feel the Emotions of succeeding in this way, by accessing memories of other times you have succeeded. This is called “neural linking”.
4. Make a graphical Vision board of your dream, so you can strongly imbed the image in your sub-conscious.
5. Plan & review your To Do List to strongly imprint this Vision on your sub-conscious mind three times per day, morning, noon & before bed.
6. Feed positive (+) Messages to your sub-conscious throughout the day via audio, video, affirmations or mediation.
Neural Re-Conditioning is the name of this technique and it is a rock solid method for self-motivation. Chapter eight provides a complete list of FAQ’s for more information on the technique.
The Balance of “The Answer” covers creating a vision for your business based on your passion, defining your ideal customer, innovating, & differentiating your business from your competitors – all practical, specific & useful information!
Reviewers Comments. I love the science of this approach – although I don’t know enough to be skeptical about it and I am fine with that. The information on how to use your mind is useful with or without the science. The book is an excellent balance of theory, explanation, & practical application. After completing the exercises, you will have written a fairly comprehensive Business / Life Plan based on your deepest passions. “The Answer” is an excellent coaching book for people who need to understand a little more about the science behind Visualization, a positive mental attitude, + the relationship between thoughts, energy, & success.
Comment: Do you have anything to share about your experiences with The Law of Attraction, Visualization & Affirmations?