The C’s of Executive Row #3
An original created by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 12/13
CIO: Chief Information Officer: responsible for the Information Tech-nology [IT] & Computer systems to support the organization.
CIO-2 Chief Intensity Officer: encourages the Team to keep up the “intensity” of the effort to maintain the “fever” pitch.
CJO: Chief Jargon Officer: monitors the “jargon” of the public information to assure it’s enough to confuse the competition, but not enough to overwhelm the consumers.
CJO-2: Chief Joy Officer: goes around spreading “joy” & good news to keep up the spirits of the team.
CKO: Cheap Killer App Officer: gets the credit for discovering a Killer App from a minor modification of a current product – with minor development costs.
CKO-2. Chief Knowledge Officer: Since other media can be hacked, his brain is the repository for the “secret sauce” and other critical info about the company.
CLO: Chief Learning Officer: is always open to opportunities to share knowledge from one source to others who may need it.
CLO-2. Chief Life Officer: un-obtrusively monitors the “life” of the Team and advises them they are working too hard and should re-balance their lives – to give more time to family, etc. (a Jewish mother is usually best for this position)
CLO-3. Chief Loyalty Officer: is in charge of maintaining the “loyalty” of key Customers – to cater to their needs – in order to maintain their loyalty (Repeat business, Testimonials, Referrals, etc)
CLO-4. Chief Luck Officer: is the person to go to when decisions can’t be made from consideration of the facts. They’ve had numerous minor wins in your organization, but haven’t won the big Lotto, so they are still around.
CMO: Chief Marketing Officer: is in charge of getting the message out to the “targeted market” to achieve the highest rate of acceptance, buy-in, buy-up !!!
CMO-2. Chief Madness Officer: monitors the “madness” of Team members to assure it doesn’t get out of hand or spread to others
CMO-3. Chief Magic/Mystique Officer: monitors the Comments/ Reviews of products/ services, to assure they still capture the imagination of the customers.
CMO-4. Chief Magnificence Officer: monitors the moods of gurus & divas, then praises them – to maintain their feeling of magnificence.
CMO-5. Chief Mania Officer: looks for situations to infect Team members & Customers to maintain the “mania” for your product.
[ More “M & Ms” in next Premium Content + CNO-Neatness, CPO-Pain, CRO-Reality, etc.