Tips for Startups
From a talk by Adryenn Ashley, at Silicon Valley Startup Funding Meetup on 4/01/10. Significantly enhanced by Peter/Organizer.
1. Have a clear Mission, Vision & Goals. Resolve to make the time to write the most important reasons you are in business [Mission], where you want to go [Vision] and what impact you want to have in the world. Now plan your Smart Goals:
S – specific, significant, stretching
M – measurable, meaningful, motivational
A – achievable, agreed upon, action-oriented
R – realistic, relevant, rewarding, results-oriented
T – timely, tangible, trackable
2. An attention-getting Marketing Message. Make your marketing message about the Client, not you. Convey a message about their problems, challenges, or pain. You want them to think, “That’s my prob-lem”. Now that you got their attention, tell them how you can solve their problem/s. Have a passion for your biz and your Clients will catch your enthusiasm and buy you.
3. Compelling Marketing Materials (including Web-Site & Blog). Your marketing information should be in this order:
a) State the problem Prospects are having, so that you show you understand what they are going thru.
b) Tell them how you will “solve” their Problem, and what it will be like when the problem is resolved.
c) Prove to them how it works from the experience of other Clients or even the Beta Testers.
d) Ask them to take Action to find out more about your Product or Services.
4. Visibility for yourself or your Business. Network with and talk to possible Clients as much as possible. Ask them if they think your solution will solve their problem. Do talks at groups. Host a mini Seminar or Webinar to explain your product.
5. A Mailing List to keep in touch with those interested on a regular basis (ie, once a month). Tell them about new features, success stories. They’re open and want to be convinced.
6. Communication. Ideally, have a standard list of questions, that you ask Prospects to find out their needs. Then listen and take notes. Once they have identified their most important problems, explain how your product/service can solve it (if it can). Then, ask for the Order.
If you have a Service or long term Product delivery schedule, use the below.
7. Contract. Draft an Agreement of what the Prospect will get if they work with you (ie, Deliverables), milestones, & terms. Keep it short & simple. Negotiate the Terms, if you have to.
8. Capability. Set up mile-stones of what you plan to achieve at each stage. Ask for their cooperation to keep on shedule.
9. Celebrate your Victory when you have: a) product installed, b) a happy Customer, c) meet Sales Goals or have finished the Project.
10. Bust your butt giving good service to support your Customer. Ask them what they think; how you could improve.
Contact Peter, Biz Consultant helping Startups write their Biz Plan, plan their Pitch, find their Funding & setup their Business.
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