Top Tips of Top CEO’s
fm Business 21 July 15 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
The Top 4 for Success. Building trust, encouraging open communication, promoting teamwork & motivating your employees isn’t just a simple checklist of organizational best practices. It’s a lifestyle all leaders should adopt in order to be successful. Rather than shy away from telling it like it really is, recognizing achievement, candid feedback from employees & customers that help grow your company. We asked the top-rates CEOs to divulge their winning strategies they live by, to engage their employees and inspire their workforces. Here are the four categories their advice fell into:
1. Trust. Without your employees’ trust, you can’t do much, let alone build a thriving company culture. The best CEOs understand that actually listening to employee feedback and gaining employee trust over time, is critical in building promoting the organization’s success. Here’s what a few winning leaders had to say about how they build “trust” within their companies:
“Have faith in people’s ability to hear the truth, whatever it may be.” – Corey Schiller, CEO of Power Home
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions, and the sooner CEOs and companies embrace candid feedback from employees & customers, the faster you’ll earn their trust and support.” – Brian Halligan, CEO of Hubspot
“The trust and support of the workplace is built on a foundation of transparency & integrity. Leaders who communicate openly & honestly develop trust.” – David Ossip, CEO of Ceridian
2. Open Communication. Rather than discourage or block dialogue, the best CEOs find ways to embrace honesty, open communication & transparency with their employees – no matter how difficult that may be. This comes in many ways – company-wide status meetings, walking about, keeping in touch to find out how they’re doing on projects, etc. Here are some of the ways our top CEOs talk about open communication in their workplace:
“I regularly, honestly & openly share with all my colleagues, how the business is doing, what is on their mind – good or bad – and what needs to be done next.” – Allistair Cox, CEO of Hays PLC
“I virtually visit every one of our employee training sessions for the opportunity to talk with employees in person and share our Vision.” – Joseph Tarantino, President & CEO of Proviti
“I tell my employees; my door is always open to listen, learn & help.” – Stuart Wall, CEO of SignPost
3. Teamwork. The best leaders build strong, collaborative teams. The CEO is the head cheerleader, champion & owner of the company mission, culture, brand & vision. Here are a few ways the best CEOs incorporate teamwork into their lives at the office:
“I believe that it’s the job of the CEO to build an infra-structure that supports the company’s core values,& purpose + create an environment that creates full engagement in the team.” – Darius Mirshahzadeh, CEO of The Money Source
“Everyone needs to believe we’re truly in this together.” – Tobias Dengel, CEO of Willow Tree
4. Motivating Employees. Business goals are crucial to a company’s bottom line, but the best CEOs know employee satisfaction & happiness are too. They never settle for things as they are, but what they can be. Here are a few ways to motivate employees at your company:
“Have a clear strategy, goals & values that inspire your people and are relevant to their work and their aspirations.” – Martin Bennett, CEO of Home Service Membership
“If an environment is created, at work, for people to become the best versions of themselves, they will often choose it and feel fulfilled.” – Dave Durand, CEO of Best Version Media
“Ask for help, improving your work. Ask your co-workers, your supervisor, or anyone who might be able to help. Don’t ask, ‘Is this good enough?’ Ask, ‘How can this be better?’” – Bob Pritchett, CEO of Faithlite Corp
“Help others find and live their purpose.” – Brad Jackson, CEO of Slalom
Comments: Do you have any Tips you think would be useful?