Train & Retain the best !!!
How to Attract & Motivate a Capable Staff
from 21 Apr 14 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
The Challenge of working with today’s young Wizards.
For Startups & Small Business owners today, it seems harder than ever to find “young” employees with a solid “work ethic” who know how to deal with customers. -I hear from my clients that the employees they hire are frequently unmotivated or incapable. Business owners have told me on several occasions, “Teenagers & young Adults don’t want to work” — or, better yet, if they do, they want to start in management. But there are foolproof ways to steer clear of this hiring dilema. Here are four ways to find and retain the best employees.
1. Start with Referrals from your own employees. Ask your staff to refer their friends for open positions, and provide a significant Cash Reward for anyone who is subsequently hired and stays with the company for more than 90 days.
2. Make it easy to Apply, a Hiring expert says, “To hire the best, you’ve got to make it easy for the best people to apply.” If you only accept phone calls, résumés & applications during normal business hours, for instance, you’re discouraging the very people you should be trying to recruit. Go for 24/7, then promise & deliver a response within 4 hours.
3. Train to Retain. Make retaining your present employees a top priority. Provide the kind of Training that will make them more valuable both to the company & to themselves. Research tech training that will help them improve their knowledge and may open up new opportunities for products or services. Do useful general Training that will improve their performance, such as – Project Management, Time Mgt, Setting Priorities, Reducing Procrastination, Stress Mgt, etc.
4. Cultivate a Caring environment. Make sure your organization’s Core Values, Mission, Vision and employee Orientation program support an environment that demonstrates how valuable employees are to your company.
How? One way to do this is to make it a point to remember your employees’ Birthdays, have monthly All Hands meetings to report your progress & Celebrations on significant events (ie, a new major Customer). Make it a fun event !!! Food & drink + a little creative crazyness. Use your imagination.
Make it a Family affair. Remember, for most people, the workplace is like a second family. Create an environment that feels like one, so they’ll feel part of the family – which will also improve their Teamwork on projects. They’ll look forward to coming to work for the challenge & friendship. Happy workers are much better workers – more productive & creative – because they’re in an environment where their accepted and their crazy ideas are considered fairly.
Comments: Do have any, on the benefits of Training?