Using Intuition In Business
from Make It Happen Blog/UK 2/09 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
The current economic crisis from 2008 has challenged every business. We all need to think smarter, be more creative, look for new opportunities & take action to maximize our short & long term business performance. However, how do you gain inspiration, decide what you want to achieve, generate new ideas, make decisions & decide the best way forward for your business? One way to approach all of these areas is to use your Intuition or ‘gut feel’.
What is Intuition? It describes the way that you gain access to and use your brain’s power without the constraints of logical thinking. Intuition uses information from a wide range of sources including emotional, physical & instinctive + it enables you to quickly make sense of a complex situation at a sub-conscious level. It is often called the sixth (6th) sense. Where you cannot rationally explain why you chose a particular course of action, it is probably down to your Intuition. A combination of reason, experience, information & intuition can be very powerful in business.
How to develop your Intuition? Many people are afraid to use their intuition, preferring to take a “rational, logical” approach. We are encouraged from an early age to think & act rationally, which can result in our Intuition being suppressed. To help you to develop your intuitive skills you may want to try the following:
Guidance on using your Intuition
-Follow your Intuition, don’t be afraid of it. It’s right most of the time
-Train yourself to be aware of your Intuition, then do what it’s telling u
-Allow yourself to follow your Intuition in every day situations and see where it leads you.
-Monitor the results of when you use your Intuition to develop your confidence to use it from your successes.
-Tune in & listen to your intuition rather than letting your rational mind override it.
-Look at situations that you have over-analyzed and where you arrived at the same course of action as your intuition was telling you.
-Be on top of your business and the business environment you are working in, including listening to your staff and understanding the customer & market trends.
-Try sleeping on a problem, it is surprising how often you wake up knowing the right course of action to take.
-Take time out from your work & life to reflect & contemplate. Build relaxation & exercise time into your schedule.
-Do something different to what you would normally do, to open your mind to new experiences.
-Don’t listen to your inner voices telling you not to use your intuition. That’s your fears.
As you heighten the use of your Intuition you will be inspired, find more creative solutions & unlock situations that you are in. You will also help your business to ride out any recession and move forward to a stronger position.
Comments: Can you relate any experiences where Intuition has helped you significantly?