“Vital Factors” for Success #1
The Secret to Transforming Your Business – and Your Life
eZine Articles.cpm 7/13 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Management Action Program (MAP) is described & promoted by the “Vital Factors” book as a system to guide the transformation of a business or organization. MAP is a detailed, comprehensive plan of action, designed to simultaneously perform
Six Critical Missions:
1. Teach business Fundamentals
2. Pinpoint a company’s Vital Factors
3. Ensure proper Measurement & Management of these Vital Factors
4. Establish a top-to-bottom system of Goals & Controls
5. Catalyze positive, ongoing Changes throughout the company
6. Instill those Virtues that turn good companies into market leaders
Vital Factors are – “the critical elements that would either hold the company back or propel it to success” and enable the processes & tools to execute in the six basic functions of management: Leading, Communicating, Planning, Organizing, Staffing, & Controlling. Vital Factors are related to the Vital Few, the key drivers of the business and should be utilized based on an important MAP mantra: “The more tightly you control your people, the more you sap their power to succeed.” One way to measure this is via a tool the author’s term . . .
the Empowerment Pendulum where the organization rates itself on a scale where 1 represents High Control and 10 represents High Empowerment. How would your organization rate? The authors also delineate some important lessons as related to an organization’s Vital Factors:
Most Important Lessons
· Gathering accurate & timely Financial Information is critical.
· Teaching all levels of staff to understand – and manage – their Vital Factor financial information is also critical.
· It is essential for key management to agree on the financial Vital Factors to focus on, then to set monthly goals related to them.
· Holding Monthly Meetings to review the financial Vital Factors is also essential (although that is a discipline that many companies fail to maintain).
[ The 3 Phases to MAP: 1) Mechanics, 2) Enlightenment, 3) Internalization + Other Apps of MAP in Premium Content ]