What Apple’s $137B could buy !!!
Collected from the Net by Peter/CXO Wiz4.biz 2/13
Apple at the end of 2012 had $137 billion. It grows at $100 million a day and could reach $200 Billion next year. Measured by GDP, Apple could be 58th biggest Country – just behind Australia, but ahead of Chile. Cool !!!
Corporations normally don’t hoard cash the way Apple does. They keep enough around for immediate needs, and either invest the rest in their operations or dole it out to shareholders in the form of dividends or stock buybacks. If they need more cash for, say, an acquisition, they borrow it. Here’s some of the things they could do with it.
– give every American a check for $437.
– give away 600 million iPhones or iPods. One for every American + one for every other European.
– acquire Facebook, Groupon, LinkedIn, Netflix, Yahoo, Yelp, & Zynga -and have more than $10 billion left to buy more.
– buy 4 Big Macs + 1 T-shirts, for all the 7 Billion people on earth.
– buy a Fleet of 200 Boeing 777s and start an Airline – which would be not as large at British Airlines, but larger than Japan Airlines & Air Canada.
– Give every Apple employee a bonus of $1.7 million. Go to Apple.com/jobs/us/ to apply.
Comments: What would you do with Apple’s $$ ???
A byte of Apple Humor
Original Sim. Adam & Eve take a couple of bytes out of the first Apple.
Ancient Quote. What do you get if you cross a Computer with a Hamburger? A Big Mac-Intosh….
What is a most significant Improvement for the iPhone. The high price gets rid of the possible riff-raff customers.
Apple’s other Motto? Device failure is not an option—that comes bundled with the SW.
A picture is worth 1,000 words, and it uses up 3,000 x the memory, so the battery goes flat faster and we can sell more chargers. an x-Apple exec.
We make idiot-proof devices and we’re looking for a higher grade of idiot. Apple Marketing
Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have copiers, but only you can do it best.
You never become a howling success by just howling, you have to have a great product worthy of howling about. That’s what we strive for. Apple Marketing
Of course, Apple’s new products always look good. We did it right the first time! Apple Engineering
Comments: Do you know a clever expression about Apple? Please share it.